Many of us are underdogs. We've been told we can't or won't and use that as fuel for kicking ass. It takes a lot of hard work, falling and getting back up, and sheer determination to achieve and even go beyond our dreams. Diane is an example of...
Many of us are underdogs. We've been told we can't or won't and use that as fuel for kicking ass. It takes a lot of hard work, falling and getting back up, and sheer determination to achieve and even go beyond our dreams. Diane is an example of someone who is living the American Dream. When Diane and her parents came to the U.S., they lived in a one-bedroom, cockroach-infested apartment. At a young age, she taught her dad English. A Princeton and Northwestern grad, Diane is now revered as an outstanding C-suite leader who has worked at premier companies. You will be inspired by her story. Yes, YOU can!